Advertise in NCFR Report

NCFR Report, the quarterly member magazine of the National Council on Family Relations, strives to provide timely, useful information to help members succeed in their roles as researchers, educators, and practitioners. Articles address Family Science issues, emerging family research, new programs and trends, and association news.

Interested in advertising in NCFR Report, or need more details? Contact Trip Sullivan at tripsullivan (at)

Circulation Information

Circulation is approximately 2,800. Report, which includes a "Family Focus" section of translational, research-based articles, is distributed to all members of the National Council on Family Relations. Our diverse membership includes Family Science researchers and Family Life Education practitioners, Certified Family Life Educators who are also members, social workers, clergy, administrators, child care workers, social scientists, physicians, nurses, and students.

NCFR reserves the right to decline any paid advertising at our sole discretion. Advertising purchases are nonrefundable.

Advertising Rates






Full Page (full bleed) $625 $585 per $545 per $510 per
Half Page $465 $430 per $400 per $375 per
Quarter Page $350 $325 per $300 per $280 per
All rates are non-commissionable        

Ad Deadlines Per Issue



March Jan. 1
June April 1
September July 1
December Oct. 1

Specifications and Submission Requirements


Width x Height

Full Page (full bleed, 1/4") 8.75"w x 11.25"h
Half Page 7.25"w x 4.5"h
Quarter Page 3.5"w x 4.5"h

File Type/Quality: high resolution of 300 dpi in one of the following formats: PDF, EPS (with fonts embedded), or JPG

Color: four-color process; will convert to black and white if full-color placement is not possible. 

Bleeds: Full bleed (1/4") on full-page ads only. Trim size is 8.5"w x 11"h.

Proofs cannot be provided. Advertisers will be billed at cost for any alterations needed.

How to Submit Your Ad File

NCFR staff will be in touch with you upon ordering. You'll send your ad and URL (where your ad should click to) to NCFR staff by email attachment or file-sharing program (e.g. Dropbox).

Interested, or Need More Details?

Contact Trip Sullivan at tripsullivan (at)