Case Study: Using the Family Science Elevator Pitch Guide With Students

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NCFR's guide, "How to Explain Family Science to Anyone," can be a useful tool to help your students craft their Family Science elevator pitch. The guide can even educate other stakeholders at your university about Family Science.

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Here's how NCFR member Janice Moore, Ph.D., CFLE, used the guide with her students and with career services staff at the University of North Texas Dallas:

"I used the ‘How to Explain Family Science to Anyone’ guide as part of my Communication in Families course at the University of North Texas Dallas.

I had already added an elevator pitch review/assignment to this course for the spring semester, and I contacted our university’s Career Services Office and arranged for an advisor to present to my class (via Zoom) about how to do an elevator pitch.

I was excited, then, to receive the NCFR guide via email! I shared the guide with Career Services, and the career advisor presenting to my students was able to review the guide and tailor her elevator pitch presentation to fit it.

In class, the career advisor presented reasons why an elevator pitch is needed and gave her own elevator pitch. In turn, students volunteered to provide their elevator pitch based on the presentation and received feedback from the career advisor. This presentation gave students hands-on experience developing their personalized elevator pitch, and the students did a swell job with their impromptu pitches.

I also incorporated a graded assignment in this class to create an elevator pitch video. Students did an excellent job on this assignment. The in-class presentation and assignment exposed students to the NCFR guide, gave reasons why they should have a prepared elevator pitch, and provided assistance with designing their very own elevator pitch.

Students appeared to enjoy the presentation from the career advisor, exposure to developing a specific Family Science elevator pitch, and successfully completing the assignment. I also placed the NCFR guide in the student course module to download and save for future use.

We really appreciate the creation of this very helpful guide."

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