How to Become an NCFR Fellow

Fellow status in NCFR is an honor awarded to living members on the basis of their outstanding contributions to Family Science. Nominations of all family professionals who have made contributions to the family field are encouraged. Among the recognized areas of contribution are scholarship, teaching, outreach, practice, and professional service, including service to NCFR. By definition, outstanding contributions are those which have broad impact on the field and are enduring over time.

What are the criteria for Fellow status?

  1. Nominees must have made outstanding contributions to the field and to NCFR as an organization. A combination of these criteria is required. Examples of outstanding contributions include:

    1. published, refereed scholarship that has shaped or reshaped the family field;

    2. a history of innovation in practice or outreach that has transformed the field, such as the development and implementation of novel or significant interventions or programs designed to promote healthy family relations;

    3. recognition of teaching excellence through awards and mentoring;

    4. development and implementation of innovative curricula for training professionals in Family Science;

    5. the development and implementation of innovative social policy relevant to families;

    6. a history of innovation and publication about the methods and measurement strategies used in related Family Science arenas;

    7. outstanding contributions to NCFR as an organization may include a history of organizing conference symposia, editing/guest editing NCFR journals, or developing nationally distributed products/curricula that bridge Family Science and practice.

  2. Nominees must have at least 10 years of professional experience after the receipt of the appropriate graduate or professional degree.

  3. Nominees must have held NCFR membership continuously for the past five years at the time of nomination.

What is the procedure for nominations?

  1. Nominees must be nominated by another NCFR member.*

  2. Nominees must have the endorsement of two additional individuals, one of whom must be an NCFR member**, describing the outstanding nature of the nominee's contributions.

  3. In general, nominees should not be aware that they are being considered for Fellow status. For this reason, the NCFR office will not contact candidates for Fellow status at the time of their nominations.

    *Nominations from NCFR members involved in the nominee's academic preparation (e.g., major advisor, administrative head of the program from which the nominee graduated) or who have possible conflicts of interest (e.g., partner or family member) will not be accepted.

    **Endorsements from NCFR members with a potential conflict of interest may be included with the nomination packet, but cannot be used to satisfy the requirement for endorsement by an NCFR member.

What are the policies pertaining to NCFR Fellow status?

  1. Fellow status is maintained in perpetuity. Deceased Fellows will be listed as NCFR Fellows, with a notation that they are no longer living.

  2. The total number of Fellows will be limited to no more than 3 percent of current membership.

  3. Deceased Fellows and Fellows who have emeritus membership in NCFR will not be counted in the annual calculation of Fellows as a proportion of NCFR members.