Emerging Mentor/Teacher Award
2023 Recipient
Janeal White, Ph.D., CFLE, Lamar University
The purpose of the Advancing Family Science Section’s Emerging Mentor/Teacher Award is to recognize new family science faculty who have demonstrated an excellence in teaching and mentorship practices. This award will be given annually.
A plaque will be awarded and recognition given at the Advancing Family Science annual section meeting at the NCFR conference.
- Must be within the first five years of attaining terminal degree
- Must outline and illustrate evidence of effective teaching and mentorship practices
- Must receive at least two letters of support offering evidence of effective teaching and mentorship
- Must be NCFR and Advancing Family Science section members at the time of the nomination and maintain organization and section membership until receiving the award at the NCFR Annual Conference
- Strong applications will note specific action steps the applicant has taken that go above and beyond the traditional job description of a family science faculty
Nomination/application process
- Applicants can be nominated by colleagues or self-nominated
- Applicants must provide a personal statement or mentoring/teaching philosophy that 1) demonstrates a commitment to mentoring students toward professional, scholarly, or academic goals, and 2) fosters critical thinking and student achievement via learning and implementation of new and effective pedagogical practices
- Applicants must provide at least 2 letters of support (1 letter from a student/mentee, 1 letter from an administrator/colleague) that provide evidence of the applicant’s excellence in teaching and mentorship practices
- Applicants must provide updated vitae or resume
- Nominations should address how applicant's work meets the criteria of the award
May 1: Application deadline. Send completed applications to Membership.
July 31: The recipient is notified by this date