Student Proposal Awards

2023 Recipient

Emily E. Grubbs, M.S., CFLE, Mississippi State University
"A Review of the Intergenerational Transmission of Resilience: How Families Move Resilience Forward"


The award is meant to:

  • recognize quality proposals of students and encourage submission of these proposals to the Family and Community Education Section;
  • increase the visibility of the Section; and
  • provide motivation to become involved in the Section.


Three $200 cash travel awards are awarded annually, along with up to $95 towards a NCFR Annual Conference registration fee to accept the award, and a certificate. Awards are presented at the Family and Community Education (FCE) Section Annual Meeting.


Students must be:

  • graduates or undergraduates; and
  • current members of NCFR and the EE Section.

Nomination/application process

All student members of NCFR who submit proposals as first authors will be considered for the award. If the proposal has multiple authors, the award is only given to the student listed as first author.


July 31: The recipient is notified by this date