Feldman Outstanding Research Proposal for Research in Family Policy

2024 Recipient – Karen Talley, B.S.


The award is presented in memory of Harold Feldman and Margaret Feldman, NCFR members and pioneers in the field of family policy. The award recognizes a graduate student or new professional who has demonstrated excellence in research and potential contribution to family policy studies, particularly in the areas of gender/women's issues or poverty.


The recipient receives a $250 cash award and a plaque. The recipient is expected to present a brief report on the project and related findings at the following NCFR Annual Conference. This award is given annually and presented at a plenary session at the NCFR Annual Conference.


Nominees should be:

  • graduate students or new professionals who plan on conducting research on family policy issues or research that has family policy implications; and
  • current members in NCFR and the Family Policy Section.

Nomination/application process

Please provide:

  • an abstract of 100 words or less describing the proposed research project;
  • a five-page (maximum) proposal outlining the project's theoretical foundation, research methods, and potential contribution to the field of family policy;
  • half-page budget;
  • current resume or curriculum vitae;
  • full contact information (name, affiliation, phone number, postal address, and email address); and
  • two references (one should be for a thesis or dissertation advisor, department or division chair, or faculty advisor. The second should be for a faculty member in the applicant's major academic field. Both should emphasize the applicant's interest and background in family policy, as well as his/her potential for a successful career.)


May 1: Application deadline. Submit all application materials to Membership.
July 31: The recipient is notified by this date