Nominate 2026 Election Candidates by March 15, 2025

The NCFR Elections Council is a Board committee that gathers nominations for the offices of the NCFR Board and other offices of NCFR. It is responsible for preparing a slate of two candidates for each open slot who meet the selection criteria for each position as defined by the positions and/or Board Charge (i.e., President-elect, Board Member-at-Large, Affiliate Councils President-elect, Student/New Professional Board Representative, Student/New Professional Board Representative-elect; Annual Conference Program Chair-elect, Student/New Professional Program Representative, Elections Council, Fellows Committee, and Inclusion and Diversity Committee.

The NCFR Board of Directors retains the authority to set the policy of the Association regarding elections procedures consistent with the bylaws (Article IX). The Elections Council is charged with carrying out policy of the Board as it relates to the nomination process. However, the Elections Council has sole responsibility for selecting the slate of candidates for office, and its deliberations are confidential as long as the Council works within the Association's Policies.

The general membership shall be encouraged on an ongoing basis through announcements in the NCFR Report, NCFR Zippy News, and NCFR website to nominate themselves and/or other members. Interest in serving as an elected officer or on committees of the association should be communicated to the Elections Council or NCFR Staff. Section Chairs will be specifically asked to identify potential nominees to the Elections Council for available positions. Current NCFR officers, committee members, and other local and national leaders will be encouraged to recommend names of potential association leaders.

It is the responsibility of the Elections Council to prepare a slate of nominees for Members of the Board of Directors, Elections Council positions, Fellows Committee positions, Inclusion and Diversity Committee positions, Annual Conference Program Chair-elect, and Student/New Professional Program Representative. The NCFR Board and the Elections Council are also responsible for maintaining a job description of the positions and desired qualifications for candidates for each position. The purpose of these descriptions is to assist the Elections Council in their selection of well-qualified candidates and to provide a basis from which members can direct their professional development in terms of increased service to the association.

Video: Discovering Leadership and Service Possibilities Within NCFR

This webinar recording showcases the value of being a leader with NCFR and describes the opportunities available for all members to serve, whether they are students, new professionals, senior scholars, or practitioners. The presenters highlight the importance of the nomination/self-nomination process, provide an overview of leadership positions and discuss pathways to leadership for those interested in serving in the organization.