Elections Council
The Elections Council gathers nominations for the offices of the NCFR Board and other offices of NCFR. The members of the Elections Council shall be elected by the full membership of NCFR. To promote communication between the board and Elections Council, one member of the board shall serve as a nonvoting liaison to the Elections Council.
The Elections Council shall consist of six active NCFR members elected by the voting membership, plus one nonvoting member of the Board of Directors. Terms of offices for Elections Council Members shall be staggered so that each year two new members are elected to three-year terms. The Elections Council members should represent a balanced distribution based on NCFR membership. The Elections Council may meet every other year in the spring in Minneapolis (expenses paid) and annually at the Annual Conference.
It is the responsibility of the Elections Council to prepare a slate of two candidates for each open slot who meet the selection criteria for each position as defined by the positions and Board Charge (i.e. President-elect, Board Member-At-large, Affiliate Councils President-elect, Students and New Professionals Board Representative, Students and New Professionals Board Representative-elect, Students and New Professionals Program Representative, Elections Council, Fellows Committee, and Inclusion and Diversity Committee), and to ensure that the policies regarding recruitment are followed. The NCFR Board and the Elections Council are also responsible for maintaining a job description of the positions and desired qualifications for candidates for each position. The purpose of these descriptions is to assist the Elections Council in their selection of well-qualified candidates and to provide a basis from which members can direct their professional development in terms of increased service to the association.
The position of Annual Conference Program Chair-elect will be an appointed position. The Elections Council will be responsible for recommending a qualified candidate who meets the eligibility criteria and can fulfill the responsibilities as outlined in the job description of the Annual Conference Program Chair-elect. After the recommended person has agreed to serve in this position the recommendation will be sent to the NCFR Board of Directors along with the following: copy of candidate’s vita, the candidate’s statement on possible themes they might propose for the conference, and examples of possible plenary speakers to consider under the above proposed themes. If the Board accepts the Elections Council’s recommendation, the Board will appoint the recommended person to the position of Annual Conference Program Chair-elect for the upcoming term. If the Board does not accept the Elections Council’s recommendation, it will be the Elections Council’s responsibility to submit another recommendation.
NCFR members in good standing are eligible for nomination for officers; members of the Board of Directors, Annual Conference Program Chair-elect, Students and New Professionals Program Representative, Elections Council, Fellows Committee, and Inclusion and Diversity Committee positions. Additional considerations in generating the pool include, but are not limited to:
- Current membership in NCFR
- Knowledge and/or experience in areas reflecting broad trends in human development, family science, marriage and family practice, sociology, and related professions.
- Knowledge and/or experience in leadership roles through Sections, Affiliate Councils, Elections Council, Conference Planning, Publishing, Public Policy, or other committee work.
When identifying members to run for office, consideration should be given to a slate that is diverse in its representation of members. For examples, see NCFR's Definition of Diversity.