Inclusion and Diversity Committee
The purpose of the Inclusion and Diversity Board Committee (IDC) is to (a) identify the inclusion and diversity strengths, issues, and opportunities within NCFR; (b) develop strategies and plans to examine ways in which we include and exclude (however unintentionally) NCFR members; (c) systematically examine aspects of NCFR to enhance its effectiveness and ability to grow and meet the needs of its diverse membership; and (d) respectfully celebrate and document the successes of inclusivity approaches.
Functions of the IDC
(a) examine programs, activities, policies, publications, and practices to determine intentional or unintentional exclusivity; (b) make recommendations to the NCFR Board regarding best practices for inclusive and diverse organizations; (c) engage members in scholarly dialogues related to IDC matters; (d) raise member concerns about inclusion and diversity to the Board, and (e) make recommendations to the Board in external messaging.
Membership, Officers, and Terms of Office
The IDC shall consist of seven members elected by the NCFR membership and two non-voting members. The non-voting members will be a member of the NCFR Board and a Staff Liaison. The members of the IDC shall serve staggered two or three-year terms.
The Elections Council shall nominate the candidates for the open offices. The Elections Council will work to nominate a slate of diverse candidates as described in Appendix A.
IDC member will select the Chair-elect from the IDC Members-at-Large who will serve as Chair-elect during their second year on the IDC. The Chair-elect becomes the chair during their third year on the IDC. IDC members will determine their own process for selecting the liaison to the Annual Conference Program Planning Committee at each annual meeting. Committee members may be re-elected after being off the committee for one year.
The members of the IDC shall consist of the following elected officers serving two or three-year terms.
- Members-at-Large (6) – Three-year terms.
- Students and New Professionals Representative (Liaison to the SNP Leadership Council) - Two-year term