5-Year CFLE Recertification

You can now apply online for your five-year CFLE recertification.

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Certified Family Life Educators (CFLEs) with full certification must submit evidence of 100 hours of continuing education activity every five years to recertify. See the guidelines for CFLE continuing education credit (PDF) for the online recertification process.

Continuing education includes additional academic courses completed; attendance at conferences, seminars, workshops and trainings; and work experiences that are new or different from those included in the original CFLE application, e.g., development and/or teaching of a new course/program.

Where to Earn CFLE Continuing Education Credits

Deadline for Recertification

Continuing education credits are due in the final month of the five year cycle. For example, if you were first approved as a full CFLE in July of 2014, your five year cycle would be July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2019. Your continuing education credits would be due by July 31, 2019. NCFR will send you reminder notices approximately nine months before the credits are due.

Submission Requirements for Recertification

You will submit materials online for your CFLE recertification. During the online process to recertify, here is what you will be asked to do or provide:

How to Start the Online Process for Recertification

To start your recertification, log in at my.ncfr.org and in the My CFLE Certification box, click the "Start Recertification Application" button.

If you are not able to complete your application in one session, you will be able to save your progress and come back to the application later. Log back in at my.ncfr.org and in the My CFLE Certification box, click the "Continue" button under Recertification Application to continue your application and payment.

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