Human Development and Family Studies (B.A.)

School of Education

The Bachelor of Arts in Human Development and Family Studies focuses on the classic and contemporary theories of human life development from infancy through adulthood including family and societal issues. In addition to the institutional and degree level learning objectives, graduates of this program are expected to achieve these learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate fluency in the terminology, tools, and methods used in the field of child and family development.
  • Describe the contributions of multiple theories or practices to the field of child and family development, both within and across disciplines.
  • Demonstrate the ability to synthesize multiple information sources and points of view into a discussion of major child and family development issues.
  • Present a project or paper linking knowledge from work, community, or research activities with knowledge acquired in the study of child and family development.
  • Explain diverse perspectives on contested issues in child and family development, including an articulation of how these issues might be addressed in social, political, or personal settings.
CFLE Approved
Degree Level
Program Delivery
Area(s) of Study
Development (child, adolescent, human, gerontology, or family)
Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
Department Chair