Marriage and Family Therapy (M.S.)
The MFT Program is a cohort model program with new enrollments once a year. It is an intensive program offering extensive clinical experience and rigorous academic studies to prepare students to practice as highly competent entry-level MFT's. In order to complete all requirements of the program, students must complete 2 1/2 years of study including 3 summers starting in early June of the first year and finishing at in the end of August in the second year.
Graduates of our program are able to provide therapeutic services and facilitate related change processes with a focus on social justice in a variety of settings. As students, they participate in learning and practicing systemic and social constructionist ideas through the culturally-infused curriculum, and intensive strength-based, community-focused clinical training. Our affordable program is accredited by Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE).