Human Development & Family Studies (B.A.)
Jobs in family and community services today are many and varied. Because families exist in every culture and every community, the skills held by family service professionals are greatly needed.
The family and consumer sciences discipline offers a strong knowledge base for family services professionals. There is a wide range of specializations available to new graduates once they enter the field, including:
- Adult educator in community programs
- After-school program director
- Community-based organization activity coordinator
- Homeless shelter director
- Recreational specialist at youth club
- Health and welfare aid
- Family life educator
- Youth program director
- Senior citizen program director
- Child-care center director
- Elder care center director
- Elderly independent living facilities director
- Early childhood educator or consultant
The health and wellness of individuals and families is critical to society. The Human Development and Family Studies major will prepare family service professionals to make a difference in the lives of those around them.