2023 Virtual NCFR Annual Member Meeting

The Way We Are Now: Advancing Family Science Through the Pandemic & Beyond
November 3, 2023 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Free for NCFR Members
Virtual Zoom meeting

NCFR members: Download the discussion summary and agenda from the 2023 member meeting here. You will need to be logged in to ncfr.org and have a current NCFR membership to access the page.

Presider: Norma J. Bond Burgess, Ph.D., 2021–23 NCFR President

All NCFR members are invited to attend the annual member meeting virtually via Zoom the week prior to the NCFR Annual Conference, to hear updates on NCFR’s activities, ask questions, and recognize colleagues' accomplishments.

The second half of the meeting will include a member discussion — facilitated by member Sharon Ballard, Ph.D., CFLE, professor and chair of the Department of Human Development and Family Science at East Carolina University — with the following theme: The Way We Are Now: Advancing Family Science Through the Pandemic & Beyond.

Mirroring the 2023 NCFR Annual Conference theme — The Way We Are Now: Families and Communities at the Center of the Syndemic — the member meeting discussion will provide an opportunity to consider “the way we are now” as scholars, educators, and students in Family Science academic programs in light of the challenges and changes of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to discuss how the Family Science discipline and NCFR organization can best move forward, with an eye toward building on programs' successes and strengths.

Guiding questions:

  • What are the most significant changes that have occurred for your academic units, faculty, students, or graduates during the pandemic years? What new or changing needs for Family Science most need to be addressed going forward?
  • How have your academic units been able to adapt and create successes in response to pandemic-era changes? What have you been able to accomplish? What best practices have you identified?
  • Based on evolving needs, what could we as a membership organization do to support members in identifying and implementing strategies for success for their programs, faculty, students, and graduates?

This discussion will be an excellent opportunity for all members to share ideas and insights to move Family Science and NCFR forward.

No signup or NCFR conference registration is needed to attend this free meeting.

NCFR members received meeting reminder emails with the Zoom link on Oct. 31 and Nov. 3.