Introduction to Poisson Regression

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May 24, 2023 11:30am - 1:00pm
Single/Series Pricing: $31/$83 for NCFR student members, $52/$146 for NCFR members & CFLEs, $94/$262 for nonmembers & non-CFLEs / Become a member
Isaac J. Washburn
Presenter: Isaac Washburn, Ph.D.

Building upon the previous webinars in the Conducting Non-Continuous Regression Model series, attendees of webinar 3 will learn how to conduct a Poisson regression model, also known as a log-linear model. Specifically, participants will learn how to predict a dependent variable that consists of count data, given one or more independent variables. This webinar will also introduce people to the idea of incidence rate ratios (IRR; effect size for Poisson regression) and contrast them to odds ratios (OR effect size for logistic regression). A fictional dataset will be provided for attendees to practice the skills taught.

Overall, attendees will leave this webinar with the ability to: 

  • Explain the difference between incidence rate ratios and odds ratio
  • Describe the fundamentals of Poisson regression model
  • Perform a Poisson regression model
  • Interpret the results of a Poisson regression model

Approved for 1.5 hours of CFLE continuing education credit.

This is part 3 of a 4-part series on Conducting Non-Continuous Regression Models. View series details. Register for the whole series and save! 

Purchase/Access Webinar 3 only



About the Presenter

Isaac Washburn, Ph.D., is a professor and department chair of the Biobehavioral Health Sciences in the College of Nursing at the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center as well as the Fran and Earl Ziegler Endowed Chair. He received his Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Science from Oregon State University with an emphasis in quantitative methods. In addition to regularly teaching classes in advanced statistical modeling and methods, Dr. Washburn has been working on federally funded grants for over fifteen years. Dr. Washburn has regularly taught workshops on a variety of methods ranging from SEM, to missing data, to survival analysis. Dr. Washburn is the Chair-Elect of the Research and Theory section of NCFR and will serve as the section chair Nov. 2023 to Nov. 2025. He has also co-chaired (twice) the Theory Construction and Research Methods (TCRM) preconference at the annual NCFR conference.

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Single Webinar Pricing

  • License for classroom use by one professor is available for $141 for NCFR members, $215 for nonmembers.
  • License for departmental use (multiple professors) is available for $194 for NCFR members, $341 for nonmembers.
  • Departmental license for CFLE-approved programs is $167.

Series Webinar Pricing

  • License for classroom use by one professor is available for $383 for NCFR members, $593 for nonmembers.
  • License for departmental use (multiple professors) is available for $530 for NCFR members, $950* for nonmembers.
  • Departmental license for CFLE-approved programs is $451.

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