Teaching Tuesday: Teaching Family Life Education Methodology
Family Life Education (FLE) methodology is a content area that focuses on practice and requires content knowledge in the topic of the proposed program (e.g., preventing interpersonal violence; reduction of child behavioral problems; increasing developmentally appropriate practice with children). When teaching FLE methodology, instructors and students have much to attend to regarding program planning and evaluation, but that is only one part of an FLE methodology course and subsumes many other components. For example, sensitivity to others, and creating learning environments that demonstrate sensitivity to diversity are also important in FLE methodology.
Certified Family Life Educators (CFLEs) have additional professional and ethical obligations to reach diverse families and to demonstrate cultural humility (which should coexist alongside cultural competence) in the areas of program goals, program structure, and the nature of education. For those teaching FLE methodology, it is essential to understand how to best prepare future CFLEs.
After a short presentation, we will discuss the following:
Resources, strengths, and challenges in teaching FLE methodology
Cultural humility in the classroom
About the Presenter
Bridget Walsh, Ph.D., CFLE, is a professor in HDFS at the University of Nevada, Reno. She has been a CFLE since 2009. She earned a B.A. in psychology from Albright College, an M.S. in psychology (experimental) from Villanova University and a Ph.D. in child development from Texas Woman’s University. She is a 2023-2024 UC Davis Napa infant-parent mental health fellow. Dr. Walsh was the 2020 recipient of the Margaret E. Arcus Outstanding Family Life Educator Award. She has explored how early childhood home visiting competencies align with Family Life Education competencies. She teaches a combined undergraduate and graduate course in FLE methodology and is constantly evolving in her course content and teaching and learning skills. She has utilized numerous approaches in her course, including a hybrid version, a flipped classroom, collaborating with community organizations, collaborative program planning and evaluation, and more. She intends to create a classroom where students create a research-informed program and explore best practices while honoring diversity.
About NCFR Teaching Tuesdays
Teaching Tuesdays is a quarterly, interactive opportunity for NCFR members who teach in an academic setting to learn more about academic teaching. Presenter(s) will talk briefly about a topic related to teaching followed by a discussion with the presenter(s) and audience members. The discussion will focus on applying the information presented to enhance classroom pedagogy.
These events are free to all current NCFR members. The meetings will be recorded.
If you would like to be a session facilitator, contact Jessica Oswald via email.