Application for Prior Approval of Continuing Education Credit in NCFR

Instructions: Please submit at least five weeks prior to the date you would like to receive verification of continuing education credits for your program. More information and details here

Type of Activity
Is this an ongoing activity?
Is this live or on-demand?
If applicable, attach program/course description, outline, course syllabi, etc. including time schedule (and breaks)
Maximum 3 files.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Major Content Areas Included

Please check those which will be covered in the presentation.

Structures and Functions; Cultural Variations; Dating, Courtship, Marital Choice; Kinship; Cross-Cultural and Minority; Changing Gender Roles; Demographic Trends; Historical Issues; Work-Family Relationships; Societal Relations
Internal Social Processes; Communication; Conflict Management; Normal Family Stresses; Family Crises; Special Needs in Families
Prenatal; Infancy; Early and Middle Childhood; Adolescence; Adulthood; Aging
Reproductive Physiology; Biological Determinants; Aspects of Sexual Involvement; Sexual Behaviors; Sexual Values and Decision-Making; Family Planning; Sexual Response; Influence on Relationships
Self and Others; Communication Skills; Intimacy, Love, Romance; Relating to Others
Goal Setting and Decision-Making; Development and Allocation of Resources; Social Environment Influences; Life Cycle and Family Structure Influences; Consumer Issues and Decisions
Parenting Rights and Responsibilities; Parenting Practices/Processes; Parent/Child Relationships; Variation in Parenting Solutions; Changing Parenting Roles across the Life Cycle
Family and the Law; Family and Social Services; Family and Education; Family and the Economy; Family and Religion; Policy and the Family
Formation of Values; Diversity of Values in Pluralistic Society; Examining Ideologies; Social Consequences of Value Choices; Ethics and Technological Changes
Planning and Implementing; Evaluation; Education Techniques; Sensitivity to Others; Sensitivity to Community Concern
Be sure to include a time schedule showing meals and breaks and the total number of presentation minutes. Please note that we are unable to approve minutes for the following: poster sessions, exhibit hours, business/committee meetings, award presentations, social gatherings, breaks, & meals (we will approve time for meals that are part of a presentation).
One continuing education hour = 60 minutes. Divide total number of presentation minutes by 60. Hours must be rounded to nearest half or whole.
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