2007 NCFR Annual Conference

Family Vulnerabilities: Challenges to Safety, Security and Well-being

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The 2007 conference focuses on the challenges families face as they balance the relational, social, spiritual, health-related, financial, occupational and other dimensions of their daily lives. The degree to which families can live safe, secure lives is influenced by a number of factors in individual, family, and community contexts. What are the emerging issues for mass media, policymakers, and the public that challenge the safety, security and well-being of families?

  • Vulnerabilities are national and international concerns as families face multiple challenges in providing safe and secure homes and finding sufficient livelihoods in an uncertain world.
  • Safety is at the forefront in response to both external forces - natural disasters, terrorist acts, crime, and war - and also internal dynamics including stressors, crises, relationship dissolution, domestic violence, financial concerns, health issues, and lifespan caregiving.
  • Security is often described as social, financial, employment or Homeland. Security speaks to the critical role that families play as part of society's safety net-caring for each other, providing social and material support, and creating a home where individuals are loved, nurtured, protected and encouraged.