Winter 2015 Families and Health Section update

Karina Shreffler, section chair

Now that I have spent a year as chair of the Families and Health (FH) Section, I more fully understand the work that goes into planning the annual NCFR conference. I am very fortunate to serve the Section with such a great team of Section officers, and we look forward to continuing to work on your behalf to enhance our Section.

We hope you enjoyed the various Families and Health sessions and activities at the 2015 annual conference in Vancouver. We offered four symposia on topics that included supporting teen parent families, evidence-based practice working with military families, child and adolescent adjustment, and mental health and parental obesity, as well as a workshop on obtaining grant funding for FH research. We also offered four regular paper sessions on topics including couple relationship quality and health; grief, coping, and death; couple violence, trauma, and conflict; and emerging adulthood; as well as two lightning paper sessions on post-deployment families and parental mental health and child outcomes. We hope you were able to attend many of these sessions!

At the 2015 FH Section business meeting we recognized our Outstanding Paper Award winners, each of whom received a plaque and monetary award:

  • Diana R. Samek, Assistant Professor at Auburn University, received the Outstanding Student/New Professional Paper Award for her article, "Parent Involvement, Sibling Companionship, and Adolescent Substance Use: A Longitudinal, Genetically Informed Design," published in 2015 in the Journal of Family Psychology.
  • Daphne Hernandez, Assistant Professor at the University of Houston, received the Outstanding Professional Paper Award for her article, "Gender Disparities Among the Associations Between Cumulative Family- Level Stress and Adolescent Weight Status," published in 2015 in Preventative Medicine.

We thank all of you who submitted proposals or papers for awards, as well as those of you who reviewed for our Section in 2015! The success of our Section depends on your engagement. In the upcoming months, please consider submitting a proposal to the FH Section for the 2016 conference in Minneapolis. We look forward to another fantastic year!