Format for Tables in the Journal of Marriage and Family (JMF)

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A committee consisting of Alan C. Acock (Co-Chair), Manfred van Dulmen (Co-Chair), Larry Kurdek, Cheryl Buehler, and Frances Goldsheider was appointed by Ann Crouter, Chair of the Research and Theory Section of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) to construct model tables with brief narratives for NCFR journals. Larry Kurdek, Manfred van Dulmen, and Alan C. Acock continue the work of the original committee by adding new tables at the request of the editors of the NCFR journals.

Although these tables generally follow APA format, there are a few important exceptions. For example, when multiple models are compared, say in hierarchical multiple regression, the NCFR journals present the models in adjacent columns rather than stacking them in separate sections of the table as recommended by APA format. The NCFR method of presentation makes it fairly easy to view findings across models at a glance. Also, where possible, full tables are presented on a single page using single spacing to make the table easy to read. Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, the editors may ask authors to submit tables with double spacing and APA margins because that type of format has advantages for copy editing.

Because many authors have trouble centering columns that contain decimals, a guideline provided by Alexis Walker is included.

Please remember that the tables are presented only as examples and that authors are expected to change formatting and content. In some cases, additional columns may be added. In other cases columns may be deleted. The primary objective is to provide the information readers need in a consistent format. When information such as standardized coefficients, semipartial correlations, and measures of effect size are not in the table, it needs to be presented in the text as appropriate. An over-reliance on the statistical significance of parameter estimates without attention to their substantive significance and interpretation is a serious weakness that should be avoided.