Employer Information for Job Postings

Find the best candidates for your job search!

Current job posting rates are:

  • 30-day job posting: $250
  • 60-day job posting: $375
  • 90-day job posting: $475
  • Additional weeks in Zippy: $100

All job posting purchases include a free listing in NCFR Zippy News, NCFR's weekly Thursday email newsletter to recipients interested and connected in Family Science.

Inclusions in additional weeks of the Zippy News email newsletter — beyond the one free inclusion — can be purchased for $100 per additional week.

Note that Zippy News is not often published on the Thursdays closest to U.S. holidays including Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day, and the week of the NCFR Annual Conference that is held each November.

Step 1: Submit Your Job Information

Please click the "Post a job opportunity" button to submit the information about your job opening through our webform. You will be required to log in or create a new customer record if you don't already have one. 

If you are staffing more than one job position, please submit each one individually. This will help job seekers discern which jobs are best for their skills and qualifications. If you are staffing multiple employees in the same role, a single job posting is acceptable.

Post a Job Opportunity

Step 2: Make Your Payment

Online with credit card

After you have filled in the information about your job opening and clicked "Submit" at the bottom of the webform, you'll receive confirmation that you successfully submitted the information, with a link to our online store to make your payment. You can also get to the online store by clicking the button below:

Pay for Your Job Posting Online

On the payment page in the online store, you'll be able to choose either the 30-day, 60-day, or 90-day option for your job posting. On the payment page you can also purchase additional inclusions in our weekly Zippy News e-newsletter (within the period that your job is posted) for $100 per week.

By purchase order

If you need to pay using a purchase order, please submit the information about your job first using the online form, then email NCFR's finance department at [email protected] instead of paying online.

Step 3: Receive Notifications About Your Posting & Payment

If you pay online for your job posting, you'll receive an email receipt soon after you complete the payment process.

After payment, an NCFR staff member will post your job information on the NCFR website within 1-5 business days. When a staff member publishes your posting, you will receive an additional email notification that includes the link to your live posting.

For additional assistance please email the membership department or call 763-231-2890.