Twelve-month administrate and faculty position, available July 1, 2025. Responsibilities: The School of Human Ecology is an academic unit within the College of Education and Human Sciences. The Director will provide leadership for this AAFCS accredited unit with undergraduate degrees in Fashion Merchandising & Retail Studies and Human Development & Family Science (Child Development Specialist, Child Life, and Family Science concentrations); a licensed and early childhood education center; a research and outreach center; a new fashion product development venture; 8 full time faculty; 2.5 administrative assistants, and approximately 100 students. The School has an ACLP-Endorsed Child Life program, an NCFR CFLE Approved Program, and an NEAYC early childhood education pilot program. The Director serves as the chief executive and budgetary officer of the School and reports to the Dean of the College of Education and Human Sciences. The administrative appointment is 50%, with the remaining time devoted to instruction, research, and university and professional service.
The successful candidate will possess:
· An earned doctorate in one of the disciplines represented by the School or in a closely related field;
· At least one degree from a Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Ecology unit;
· A commitment to accreditation and a record of leading accreditation self-studies;
· An understanding of each of the disciplines in the unit;
· The ability to work effectively across disciplines, within and external to the School;
· Strong leadership skills;
· Excellent communication skills;
· Entrepreneurial experience.
· A record of success in program development and growth; and
· A record of success in university instruction; scholarship and grant-writing; and university, professional, and community service.
The College of Education and Human Sciences: One of five academic colleges at the University; includes the School of Human Ecology, and the Departments of Curriculum & Instruction, Kinesiology, and Psychology.
Louisiana Tech University: Louisiana Tech University, located in Ruston in north-central Louisiana, is a comprehensive public university committed to quality in teaching, research, creative activity, public service, and economic development. Louisiana Tech is categorized as an SREB Four-Year 3 institution, as a Carnegie Doctoral/Research University-Intensive, and as a COC/SACS Level VI institution. Enrollment is approximately 12,000 with 20% of students pursuing graduate degrees. For more information about the University and College, visit
Job Overview
301 Mayfield Ave
Louisiana Tech Campus
Ruston, LA 71272
United States
Apply online thru workday:…
Job # R-1455
Completed applications will include a letter of application, a curriculum vita, copies of transcripts, and three letters of reference. Questions regarding the applications can be emailed to the search committee chair, Dr. Amy Yates, at [email protected]. Screening will begin 1/10/2025 and will continue until position is filled.