2014 NCFR Annual Conference
Families at the Nexus of Global Change
Thanks to all attendees, presenters, and organizers for a great 2014 conference!
I come to the NCFR conference because I want to know the latest research that intersects the fields of sociology, psychology, and demography on families. ... NCFR is the only place I can go to get more information about families from multidisciplinary perspectives.
—NCFR member Claire Kamp Dush, Ph.D.,
The Ohio State University
At the NCFR annual conference, you'll learn about the latest in research, practice, and teaching in the family field. You'll discover new ideas and tools, and make valuable contacts.
Watch and listen to session recordings
Video and audio recordings of 86 conference sessions are now available online to 2014 conference registrants and members. Browse the collection.