2017 NCFR Conference Continuing Education Opportunities
The National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) is an approved provider of Continuing Education (CE) for the organizations and credentials listed here:
- NBCC, National Board for Certified Counselors — $25 NCFR members/$50 nonmembers — NBCC-approved hours are accepted by AAMFT
- NASW, National Association of Social Workers — $25 NCFR members/$50 nonmembers
- CFLE, Certified Family Life Educator credential — $25 NCFR members/$50 nonmembers
- (Note: NCFR does not require CFLEs to submit CE verification. CFLEs should only register for CE verification if wanted for their own record-keeping.)
To apply for CE hours for conference attendance, add CE hours to your registration when you register for the conference. If you are already registered and need to add CE hours to your registration, simply log in here, choose "Adjust this Registration," add Continuing Education, and proceed to checkout for payment. View the list of sessions approved for CE hours.
Continuing Education Procedures
- In-person attendance for each session is required. Participants are responsible for selecting sessions appropriate to topical emphases for the agencies listed above. Only sessions identified as approved qualify for CE hours. Organizational approval and CE hours for each session are indicated on the CE Verification form.
- Exception to in-person attendance: If you do not attend the conference in person but instead purchase NCFR's live-stream conference option, you can earn up to 21 hours of continuing education credit for NBCC and CFLE by watching sessions online.
- Approximately 25-30 continuing education hours are available through full conference attendance.
- CE forms will be included in your conference packet. CE validation is done after the conference by emailing the completed CE form and session evaluations form to Judy Schutz, conference and meeting planner, or by dropping off your form at the conference registration desk.
Compliance Statements
Sessions that qualify for CE credit are indicated on the CE Verification form and on the list of sessions approved for CE hours. NCFR is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.
National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)
NCFR has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5984.
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval # 886526266-4719) for 30 continuing education contact hours.