Translational Family Science: A Toolbox to Address Health Disparities

Concurrent Sessions 3 (Invited Symposium)

This session will be live streamed

Presenters: Susan Sheridan, Ronald Cox, Tammy Henderson, Wendy Middlemiss; Discussant: Joseph G. Grzywacz

3:30 PM
4:45 PM
Grand Ballroom B
Session #
Session Type
Organized By
  • Education & Enrichment
  • Ethnic Minorities

About the Session

This session's presenters also authored articles for a special issue of NCFR's journal Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science with the theme "Translational Family Science." Preview the special issue here.

  • 141-01 - The Translational Nature of Family-School Partnerships
    By Susan Sheridan
  • 141-02 - High-school Dropout Rates Among Latina Youth
    By Ronald Cox
  • 141-03 - Community-based Participatory Research
    By Tammy Henderson
  • 141-04 - SIDS Across Ethnicity
    By Wendy Middlemiss 

    Discussant: Joseph G. Grzywacz


Addressing health disparities across ethnicity is an essential step in supporting families—as is evidenced in many of the discussion of changes in health care eminent in the U.S. One important characteristic of family science is the balance of discovery based on basic research and the informing of this research by advances and outcomes of family practice and education. Presentations in this symposium illustrate how the balance of discovery research and practice play an essential role in dissemination and application of research to policy, and how this balance influences how questions are asked or what research is undertaken next.


In attending this symposium, participants will be able to (1) Describe the information garnered from communities can inform next steps in research and impact the nature of policy. (2) Utilize elements of translational science to inform their practice and research. (3) Evaluate policy and research supporting policy to identify potential factors contributing to health disparities.


Bundle name
Conference Session