2019 NCFR Preconference Workshops
Add preconference workshops to your itinerary when you register for the 2019 NCFR Annual Conference.
Learn more about these preconference workshops planned for the 2019:
Recognizing Mental Health Issues in Higher Education: Mental Health First Aid Training (Tuesday, Nov. 19) — this workshop will train students, faculty, and others in higher education settings how to recognize the symptoms of emerging mental illnesses. $105 per participant. Includes lunch and dessert. Registration is now closed.
Theory Construction and Research Methodology (TCRM) Workshop (Tuesday, Nov. 19, and Wednesday, Nov. 20) — a longstanding tradition within NCFR. During several workshop sessions, participants review, discuss, and strengthen research works in progress in an interactive environment. Cost: $50 for professionals, $35 for students. Made possible with the support of NCFR's Journal of Family Theory & Review.
Taking Your Family Science Research Public: Media Training Workshop (Tuesday, Nov. 19) — this hands-on workshop led by Stephanie Coontz, M.A., will teach how to effectively take your scholarly research and best practice findings public and the benefits of doing so. $75 per participant