101: Novel and Creative Qualitative Methodologies in Understanding Diverse Families

Sarah Allen; Shauna Milne-Price; Du Feng; Mark Schure; Suzanne Held; Alma Knows His Gun McCormick; Rae Birdhat Howe; Mikalya Pitts; Dottie Castille; Jillian Inouye; Hilary Rose; Madeline Knickerbocker; Isaac J. Washburn; Spencer James
10:00 AM
11:15 AM
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About the Session

TCRM Paper Session 5 - (Conference Attendance Credit: #1 hr)

101-01: From "Contamination" to "Sharing": Using Indigenous Research Methods in a Randomized Control Trial
Sarah Allen, Shauna Milne-Price, Du Feng, Mark Schure, Suzanne Held, Alma Knows His Gun McCormick, Rae Birdhat Howe, Mikalya Pitts, Dottie Castille, Jillian Inouye

The concept of contamination in a randomized controlled trial for Indigenous populations can be interpreted differently when viewed from different research paradigms. We examine the intersectionality amongst Indigenous research methods, Western research methods, and community based participatory research. Our research team balanced these sometimes competing worldviews in order to keep our research grounded in an Indigenous perspective whilst also being attentive to the goal of being "evidenced-based" by Western research standards. We call for a greater exploration of non-dominant approaches when evaluating Indigenous research interventions.

101-02: An Unknown Place Now Mappable: Collaborative Critical Family History as Method
Hilary Rose, Madeline R. Knickerbocker

Inspired by family scholars who encourage us to examine our family privilege (e.g., Letiecq, 2019; Marks, 2000), and following the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's report (2015), we are motivated to acknowledge and limit how our shared multi-generational family has contributed to social injustice as a result of our colonial settler experience. We propose an interdisciplinary, intersectional qualitative method, collaborative critical family history, combining collaborative autoethnography and critical family history. In introducing this methodology, we provide examples from our research about our family's history, how we have benefitted from colonialism, and our contribution to social injustice involving Indigenous peoples.

Isaac Washburn and one to be Announced

Spencer James

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