104: Examining Finances as Negative Space in Family Life and Romantic Relationships
Concurrent Sessions 1 - (NBCC CE Credit: #1 hr and Conference Attendance Credit: #1 hr)
104-01: Longitudinal Predictors of Newlywed Marital Financial Deception in a National Sample
Jeffrey Dew, Jeremy Yorgason, Erin Holmes, Melissa J. Wilmarth, Casey J. Totenhagen, Sammi Trujillo
104-02: The Association Between Financial Strain and Volatility in Daily Relational Uncertainty: A Dyadic Investigation
Jamie M. Gajos, Casey J. Totenhagen, Melissa J. Wilmarth
104-03: Financial Behaviors and Developmental Outcomes During Emerging Adulthood: A Mediating Analysis With Latent Change Scores
Xiaomin Li, Melissa A. Curran, Ashley B. LeBaron, Joyce Serido, Soyeon Shim
Discussant: Joyce Serido
Cochairs: Melissa J. Wilmarth, Ashley B. LeBaron
This symposium investigates present and emerging elements in family life by investigating finances as negative space. Finances are salient for family life and would benefit from clearer articulation of how finances are sometimes hidden, yet pervasive in family life (Daly, 2003). Our goal is to expand knowledge and understanding of how finances are interrelated with family life by providing empirical evidence to guide education and enrichment activities to improve family well-being. The first paper contours the negative space of financial deception; the second paper expands contemporary knowledge about everyday experiences with financial strain and relational uncertainty; the third paper examines emerging adults' initial and over-time financial behaviors and financial satisfaction. The discussant will draw themes and implications to help expand family science and promote well-being.
-- To analyze how financial constructs are associated with family life, financial outcomes, and relational outcomes.
-- To illustrate associations using different datasets, samples, and analytic techniques.
-- To provide information that family educators can use when they are working with individuals, couples, and families specific to financial constructs and family life.
Subject Codes: family resource management, economics, well-being
Population Codes: U.S., couples/coupled, emerging/young adulthood
Method and Approach Codes: actor-partner interdependence model (APIM), dyadic analysis, mediation/indirect effects models