113: Leading Undergraduate Programs: Challenges and Resources. An Interactive Workshop
Concurrent Sessions 2 - (Conference Attendance Credit: #1 hr)
Workshop Leaders: Lawrence Shelton, Adrienne Edwards, Dee Hill-Zuganelli, Jacqueline Kirby-Wilkins
This interactive workshop is an opportunity for directors of undergraduate Family Science and Human Development programs to discuss administrative issues and problems they face in leading, building, and advancing their programs. The discussion will focus on issues they identify and potential resources and supports they might use. In addition to sharing resources, approaches and strategies, participants will draft an agenda of possible steps to be taken within NCFR to create ongoing support and professional development for program leaders.
-- Identify common issues faced by leaders of undergraduate Family Science programs.
-- Identify potential resources to assist program directors in coping with the issues identified.
-- Construct a draft agenda for future action within NCFR.
Subject Codes: coping, decision making, marginalization
Population Codes: administrators
Method and Approach Codes: administrative, leadership, professional development