2021 NCFR Affiliate Councils Workshops
Hannah Mudrick, Affiliate Councils Program Chair
The Affiliate Councils (AC) provide an opportunity for researchers, scholars, practitioners, and students to engage with one another around the needs and interests of regions, states, and communities. Through connecting with like-minded individuals, AC can spur new initiatives, and allow for new and expanded perspectives on a variety of topics. Strong state/regional and student affiliates are necessary for the long-term viability of NCFR, as they play an important role in connecting the national, state/regional, and local perspectives.
AC workshops offer the unique opportunity for members of state/regional and student affiliates to highlight discoveries and points of view gained through participation in an AC. Consistent with the 2021 conference theme, “The Science of Families: Nurturing Hope, Happiness, & Health,” AC are encouraged to consider how they promote hope, happiness, and health for families.
The 2021 AC will host two workshops highlighting successful affiliate level research, practice, ideas, and resources to be shared with others across the nation. These workshops will feature roundtable presentations where affiliate groups can engage in discussions and share materials with other affiliates and NCFR members about areas of success in a unique way. The workshops will also feature short presentations from affiliate groups showcasing activities that have been productive.
AC welcomes proposals which:
- review affiliate groups’ successes around recruitment and retention, community engagement, marketing and outreach, local initiatives and strategies, ideas for moving forward, and more;
- reflect on issues related to affiliate successes and challenges in the midst of significant unrest and change;
- describe effective local services, interventions, and practices that affiliates have engaged in that promote the hope, health, and happiness of all families;
- report on local, state, or regional affiliate research exploring new education or practice questions that promote the well-being of educators and students;
- share effective and innovative local programs related to existing and emerging cultural and societal issues that impact families;
- present ways affiliates have worked with families from historically marginalized populations who experience greater risks and maintain a sense of hope, happiness, and health;
- suggest ways state/regional and student affiliates can serve as forums to discuss family policy implications that promote hope, happiness, and health; and
- discuss local/regional ideas and resources that should be shared nationally to strengthen family relationships.
Proposals will be accepted for both workshops, and affiliate groups can submit one or more proposals. Individual and affiliate group proposals should include:
- Full proposal title and presenter information (i.e., name, credentials, affiliation, and email). While the presentation may be individually authored, it must be affiliate-based.
- Whether you are interested in a roundtable presentation or short presentation.
- Short abstract (maximum 100 words).
- Full proposal (maximum 1,000 words) for peer review. All documents must be in PDF format and should:
- provide a brief background of the proposing affiliate;
- explain the significance of the considered topic and what the affiliate did or is doing that would be beneficial for others (both Affiliate Councils and NCFR members) to know; and
- include innovative methods, tools, concepts, and approaches for engaging participants with the topic, as applicable.
Email your proposal by Thursday, April 1, 2021, 11:59 p.m. PDT to Maddie Hansen, NCFR’s membership manager. This deadline was extended from its original March 1 date.
We also encourage applications/nominations for the three AC awards: Affiliate Grant (grant money for the affiliate group), Meritorious Service Award (for outstanding service by state and regional affiliate members), and President for-a-Day-Award (empowers a student or new professional to continue growing in their leadership within NCFR).
Email Hannah Mudrick, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University- Harrisburg