Session Logistics: Interactive Poster Session
Download a PDF of these instructions
All poster presenters have been scheduled to present their poster live during one of the scheduled poster sessions. Poster sessions begin on Tues. Nov. 2 through Fri. Nov. 5. Check the program schedule for the scheduled time of your session. Each poster session is 75 minutes long and includes up to ten poster presentations and a facilitator.
For the first 30 minutes of the poster sessions, each presenter will have 3-minutes in the main Zoom room to introduce themselves and share their research. Each presenter can share one slide with up to three key points.
After all presenters have introduced their posters, each presenter will move to an individual breakout room where attendees can have live discussions with the presenters (approximately 45 minutes). Attendees can move in and out of poster sessions to talk with presenters.
A facilitator and presider will be assigned to each poster session. See Facilitator and Presider Instructions for facilitator and presider expectations.
Facilitators will also
connect with the group of poster presenters in October to obtain presenter slides.
receive presenter contact information to email everyone.
obtain and curate all slides into one slide deck in the order that presentations are listed in the conference program.
create an opening slide with the title of the session and session number.
advance the slides during the 30-minute presentation of research.
remain available in the main Zoom room to assist newly arriving attendees.
Helpful Tips During the Conference:
Navigate to your poster session 15 minutes early through Whova, the conference platform, to ensure you are logged in at the start of your session. You will find your session in the agenda under the session number and name of the entire poster session (e.g., 101: Positive Aging: Overcoming Stresses and Pressures).
Click on the session.
Connect to the live Zoom Meeting (URL is provided in Whova at the top of the page).
Individual poster description are found in subsessions of the main session in Whova.
PDFs of posters will be available in the poster sessions when Whova opens to the public. Note: if a poster is not visible, the presenters have not uploaded their materials.
A Note About Providing Handouts at Your Session:
Handouts are recommended, but not required. Handouts or presentation slides can be posted alongside the information about your session.
NEW This Year: We encourage you to Submit poster and optional handouts directly into Whova between Oct. 11 and Oct. 23, 2021. You will receive an email with a unique link directly from Whova providing instructions starting Oct. 11 once you are registered. Upload final documents. You will not be able to modify or delete any uploaded files.
Optional handouts can include a 1- to 2-page executive summary of your presentation, including implications of your work for policy, practice, research, or pedagogy. Many attendees find these materials beneficial.
All handouts should be accessible and saved as a PDF.
All presenters, chairs, moderators, discussants, facilitators, presiders, and any coauthors attending the session or conference must be registered to participate in your scheduled session, including invited individuals. See to register.
Preparing a Poster
A successful poster is readable, eye-catching, attractive, and it communicates information
effectively and succinctly. The goal of a virtual poster is the same as a physical poster. Here are some suggestions for preparing your poster attractively.
Posters should be created through a standard method (e.g., PowerPoint, Prezi) and may be formatted using a traditional poster design approach or a newer one. See for a video on an emerging new poster design format. The typical one-page poster is appropriate; you do not need multiple slides.
Save your poster as a PDF.
A virtual poster can be developed the same way as a physical poster. There are many resources online to demonstrate how to create a poster.
The poster should be created in landscape orientation, widescreen 16:9 ratio.
Posters are 48 x 60 inches (smaller posters are 36 x 48 inches). Dimensions, in PowerPoint, can be set under Design and Slide Size. Click on Custom Design Size to change your dimensions.
Post a brief abstract (e.g., 50 words).
Select only the most pertinent data to report on the poster.
A traditional poster includes title, authors, author affiliations, email, an abstract, methods, results, conclusions, and implications. References and acknowledgements may also be included if there is space.
Presenters may choose a new poster format which changes the arrangement of the poster contents (see
Keep the title as short as possible so others can read it quickly.
Use upper- and lower-case type throughout the poster. Avoid all upper-case type.
Serif fonts (such as Times New Roman) are generally easier to read in the body of the text. Sans serif fonts (such as Arial or Calibri) are best used in titles, headings, and captions for emphasis.
Use bold and bullets for emphasis.
Font size: ≥ 24-point font. For example, 24-point for the body, 36-point for sub-headers, 48-point for headers, and 85-point for main titles (or greater).
Tables and Charts
The poster is a visual format. Use graphic elements often.
Keep graphics as simple as possible. More complex data can be presented in a handout.
Photographs should be used sparingly and should be cited.
Do not use hand drawings.
All images should be high-quality and look good on screen.
Heading should contain a title, author(s), and author affiliations.
Keep at least a 1-inch margin on all sides.
Paragraphs should be no longer than 10-20 lines. Break up longer sections of text with graphics or bulleted lists.
Use blank spaces to avoid a cluttered look, and to separate the elements of your poster.
Text should be printed on a contrasting background (dark text on a light background, or light text on a dark background).
Avoid harsh colors, such as neon, and text/background color combinations that are hard to read (e.g., red and yellow, red and green, red and black, purple and green, yellow and green, or blue and red).
Choose no more than two colors (in addition to either white or black) for the graphic elements of your poster (such as borders or horizontal rules) to emphasize elements and draw attention to your poster.
Accessible Posters
Design your poster with accessibility in mind.
Color and Contrast. Colors should be sharp and in strong contrast without being unsettling. Limit the number of colors used on one slide. Do not only use color to distinguish information.
Text over images can be difficult to read.
Send your material in advance, if possible, in case NCFR staff need to provide alternative text (tagged PDF or braille) of your presentation.
Check Accessibility. Assess whether your poster is accessible by clicking on Review and Check Accessibility (in PowerPoint). For instructions see