Session Logistics: Resource Exchange Roundtable Session

Download a PDF of these instructions

Organized by the Advancing Family Science and Education and Enrichment sections, the resource exchange roundtables are an interactive opportunity to demonstrate an educational, administrative, enrichment, or pedagogical (e.g., specific curricula or teaching technique) resource that has been particularly useful when working with students, families, professionals, or other populations.


All resource exchange presenters have been scheduled to present their resource live on Wed., Nov. 3 at 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. CT. All presenters and attendees will begin in the main Zoom room and then move to breakout rooms. The session will have three 20-minute presentation times during the 75-minute session. Each resource will be presented twice in their individual breakout room. Attendees will be able to attend a total of three roundtables (i.e., breakout rooms). Presenters will also be able to attend a one presentation when they are not actively presenting. Check the program schedule for the scheduled time of your presentation.

At the beginning of each presentation time, an overview is given by the leader who then facilitates a live discussion about the resource. It is expected that presenters provide a tangible resource to participants. Evidence of effectiveness, such as evaluation data, should be provided in the presentation.

Helpful Tips:

  • Arrive to your session 15 minutes early through to ensure you are logged in at the start of your session. The session number is 228 and is titled: AFS/EE Resource Exchange Roundtables.

  • Access the session directly through Whova. Once in Whova, navigate to your session through the agenda. Search for your session number. Individual resource exchange descriptions are found in subsessions.

  • Click on the session.

  • Connect to the live Zoom Meeting (URL is provided in Whova at the top of the page).

  • Session instructions for the attendees will be provided during the first 5 minutes of the session. There will be 5 minutes between each rotation.  

  • PDF of your resources. We encourage you to add a copyright statement on your materials indicating all rights are owned by you. People should ask you for permission before adopting the resource and indicate that permission on your resource. We also recommend that you provide a statement indicating you have given the National Council on Family Relations permission to share your materials.

Creating Accessible Resources

Design your handouts with accessibility in mind.

A Note About Providing Handouts at Your Session:

Handouts are recommended, but not required. Handouts or presentation slides can be posted alongside the information about your session.

NEW This Year:  We encourage you to Submit optional handouts directly into Whova between Oct. 11 and Oct. 23, 2021. You will receive an email with a unique link directly from Whova providing instructions starting Oct. 11 once you are registered. Upload final documents. You will not be able to modify or delete any uploaded files.

Optional handouts can include a 1- to 2-page executive summary of your presentation, including implications of your work for policy, practice, research, or pedagogy. Many attendees find these materials beneficial.

All handouts should be accessible and saved as a PDF.