008: The Marriage Strengthening Research and Dissemination Center (“MAST Center”): Networking for Emerging Scholars: A Conversation With HMRE Researchers and Practitioners
MAST Center Facilitators: Elizabeth Wildsmith, Ph.D., Research Scholar, Child Trends; and Deja Logan, B.A., Senior Research Assistant, Reproductive Health and Family Formation research area, Child Trends
The mentoring event is designed to facilitate relationships among emerging scholars — current graduate students and early career professionals who are less than 5 years out from their terminal degree—and more established leaders in the research and practice fields interested in family strengthening research and programming. After attending a full group Zoom meeting, emerging scholars and mentors will be assigned to Zoom breakout rooms (1-2 mentors and 6 emerging scholars) based on topical interest and will have ample opportunity to speak about professional development topics such as: navigating graduate school, launching a research agenda, academic and nonacademic career opportunities in HMRE-related work, and how to form partnerships with HMRE programs.
MAST Center Facilitators: Elizabeth Wildsmith, Ph.D., Research Scholar, Child Trends; and Deja Logan, B.A., Senior Research Assistant, Reproductive Health and Family Formation research area, Child Trends
The mentoring event is designed to facilitate relationships among emerging scholars — current graduate students and early career professionals who are less than 5 years out from their terminal degree—and more established leaders in the research and practice fields interested in family strengthening research and programming. After attending a full group Zoom meeting, emerging scholars and mentors will be assigned to Zoom breakout rooms (1-2 mentors and ~6 emerging scholars) based on topical interest and will have ample opportunity to speak about professional development topics such as: navigating graduate school, launching a research agenda, academic and nonacademic career opportunities in HMRE-related work, and how to form partnerships with HMRE programs.
(Hosted by NCFR and the Marriage Strengthening Research and Dissemination Center (MAST Center)