202: SPECIAL SESSION: Black Women and Reproductive (In)Justice

Rachel R. Hardeman; Shardé McNeil Smith; Megan Haselschwerdt
10:00 AM
11:15 AM
Session #
Session Type
Special Session
Organized By
Education & Enrichment
Families & Health
Family Policy
Feminism & Family Studies
Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Families
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About the Session
Special Session is a session for which the presenter/s were invited who are all well-accomplished in their disciplines. 

Author: Rachel R. Hardeman, Ph.D., M.P.H., University of Minnesota's School of Public Health

Moderator: Shardé McNeil Smith, Ph.D., University of Illinois
Chair: Megan Haselschwerdt, Ph.D., University of Tennessee-Knoxville


Structural racism disadvantages parents of color before, during, and after pregnancy, leading to heartbreaking perinatal health inequities for both birthgivers and their babies. Relationship-centered and culturally-centered care models provide needed support to parents of color, making strides on the path towards racial birth equity. In this special session, Dr. Hardeman will discuss how building anti-racism into medical, educational, and policy systems beyond perinatal care is necessary for sustainable racial health
equity throughout the lives of people of color.

  • Identify and describe how structural racism affects reproductive health outcomes.
  • Apply antiracist professional practices to the fields of health, advocacy/praxis, and policy.
  • Evaluate and incorporate values of equity and inclusion in patient/client interactions.
This session is Organized by and Made Possible by the Feminism and Family Studies Section With Additional Support From the Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Families; Families and Health; Family Policy; and Education and Enrichment Sections.
Bundle name
Conference Session