Call for Papers: Family Relations

Transformative Family Scholarship

Transformative Family Scholarship: Theory, Practice, and Research at the Intersection of Families, Race and Social Justice

Special Issue Editors
Antoinette M. Landor, Ph.D., University of Missouri
Tera R. Hurt, Ph.D., Iowa State University

Deadline for submissions has been extended to Aug. 20, 2021.  

“One either allows racial inequities to persevere, as a racist, or confronts racial inequities, as an antiracist. There is no in-between safe space of “not racist.” The claim of “not racist” neutrality is a mask for racism.” 

-Ibram X. Kendi, How to Be an Antiracist

Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science (FR) is excited to be a part of a series of special issues across NCFR’s journals highlighting racial equity and social justice centered theory, practice, and research that challenge and revise dominant cultural perspectives, approaches, and interpretations related to families and communities. As the premier applied journal of Family Science, FR invites manuscripts for a collection of papers that emphasizes cutting-edge applied or evaluation focused family research with implications for prevention, intervention, education, advocacy, and public policy.

This special issue seeks to bring together original research — empirical studies, theoretical/conceptual analyses, integrative literature reviews — that will underscore the salience of applied family science in addressing and dismantling racism and the interlocking systems of oppression and promoting and facilitating anti-racism, equity, access, and social justice. Applied Family Science is particularly positioned to offer insight and provide innovative strategies to reshape research, practice, and public policy and help families thrive.

Quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods, and participatory action research studies are welcomed.

Manuscripts of interest include but are not limited to the following topics:

  • Complex effects of racism, white supremacy, and white privilege on applied family research
  • Conceptual thought pieces that critically evaluate applied family research and propose novel frameworks that disrupt and dismantle racism and the interlocking systems of oppression in prevention, intervention, education, advocacy, and public policy
  • Applied Family Science focused on resistance, social change, radical healing, empowerment, activism, and reconciliation
  • Evidence of effectiveness of anti-racism and social justice scholarship in education, prevention and intervention, and outreach
  • Identification and specification of how anti-racist training and dismantling white supremacy benefits practice, education, and public policy
  • Training and practice approaches in family science settings to address anti-racism and social justice
  • Approaches for addressing white supremacy and white privilege in Family Science intervention, education, and public policy

Although a letter of intent (LOI) is not required, we ask that authors submit a one-page LOI by Aug. 20, 2021. The information will help the special issue editors assess for topic appropriateness, estimate potential review workload, and set up qualified journal reviewers. The letter should take the form of an abstract. Suggested elements might include summary of purpose of the research, the nature of the sample, methods, proposed analytic approach, conclusion, implications, and relevance to the special issue theme.

Author should detail in their cover letter that they want the manuscript to be considered for the special issue Transformative Family Scholarship: Theory, Practice, and Research at the Intersection of Families, Race and Social Justice.” Specific FR instructions for preparing and submitting manuscript online can be located here: