New CFLE Applicant Resources

NCFR is excited to announce the release of three new resources designed to support individuals pursuing the Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) credential: 

1. Roadmap to Becoming a CFLE 
A visual outline of the pathways to becoming a CFLE has been created to support applicant decision-making and improve clarity.  

2. Updated CFLE Exam Study Materials 
These materials have been enhanced to better prepare individuals for the CFLE exam and include:

  • The CFLE exam content outline 
  • Test-taking tips 
  • Practice questions covering each of the 10 Family Life Education content areas 
  • Suggested resources to use when preparing for the CFLE exam 

3. CFLE Application Guides 
To assist individuals in navigating the CFLE application process, NCFR now has guides that provide a preview of the CLFE-approved program, CFLE exam, and CFLE upgrade applications. 

We believe these resources will be valuable in helping individuals successfully acquire the Certified Family Life Educator credential. If you have any questions or need additional information, email [email protected]