Nominate Candidates to Be NCFR's Next Leaders

Submissions for 2021 Elections Due Jan. 31, 2020

The Elections Council wants to encourage all members to nominate someone for the February 2021 slate. As you think about who would serve NCFR well, please give serious consideration to nominating yourself as well as others. Here are the selection criteria to help you decide whether you would be willing to be nominated and/or to identify potential candidates for the upcoming election:

  • Current membership in NCFR.
  • NCFR members may not serve concurrent terms as board member, section chair, conference program chair, conference program chair-elect, journal editor, or member of the Fellows Committee, Elections Council, or Inclusion and Diversity Committee.
  • Knowledge and/or experience in areas reflecting broad trends in human development, Family Science, marriage and family practice, sociology, and related professions.
  • Knowledge and/or experience in leadership roles through sections, affiliate councils, focus groups, conference planning, publishing, public policy, and/or other committee work.

When identifying members to run for NCFR office, consideration should be given to a slate that is diverse in its representation of members. Please see NCFR's definition of diversity and guiding principles for inclusion and diversity.

Keeping this in mind, we invite self-nominations and nominations of others for the following positions for the slate to be elected in February 2021. The terms for these positions will begin in November 2021 at the end of the annual conference in Baltimore, Maryland.

Online Nomination Form


The positions are as follows:

Board President-elect – 2021-2023
Board President – 2023-2025 (1 Position Open)

The president-elect shall assist the president, and in the event of the president’s absence, incapacitation, resignation or death, the president’s duties (general management of the business of the NCFR board) shall devolve to the president-elect. The president-elect will serve on the Board Audit Committee and be in charge of the Newcomers Welcome at the annual conference. See full job description


Affiliate Councils President-elect – 2021-2023
Affiliate Councils President – 2023-2025 (1 Position Open)

The Affiliate Councils president-elect shall serve on the National Council on Family Relations Board of Directors for a two-year term and shall represent concerns of the members of the Affiliate Councils. This position shall assume the presidency of the Affiliate Councils for a two-year term following his or her term as president-elect. See full job description


Elections Council Member— 2021-2024 (2 Positions Open)

It is the responsibility of the Elections Council to prepare a slate of nominees for officers and members of the Board of Directors, Students and New Professionals Board Representative, Students and New Professionals Program Representative, Fellows Committee, Elections Council, and Inclusion and Diversity Committee positions, and to ensure that the policies on recruitment are followed as provided by the NCFR Bylaws and the Elections Council Policies and Procedures. See full job description


Fellows Committee Members-at-Large – 2021-2024 (3 Positions Open)

The Fellows Committee shall review the applications from nominees for NCFR Fellow status. During the NCFR Annual Conference, they will discuss and vote on which nominees will be recommended to the Board of Directors for NCFR Fellow status. See full job description


Inclusion & Diversity Committee (IDC) Member-at-Large— 2021-2024 (1 Position Open)

IDC members-at-large will assist IDC in responding to the needs and desires of NCFR members. The members-at-large will help the IDC send updates on its work via web postings, NCFR Report, and other effective venues of communication. See full job description


Inclusion & Diversity Committee (IDC) SNP – 2021-2023 (1 Position Open)

The Students and New Professionals representative shall act as a liaison between the IDC and the Students and New Professionals Leadership Council. See full job description


Students and New Professionals (SNP) Board Representative-Elect—2021–2022
SNP Board Representative—2022–2024

The Students and New Professionals board representative-elect serves a one-year term as a nonvoting member of the board. After serving their one-year term, this position will move to the position of Students and New Professionals board representative, to serve a two-year term as a voting member of the Board of Directors. During the one-year term, the SNP board representative-elect will learn about the organization and his or her role as the future SNP board representative by shadowing and assisting the current SNP board representative and SNP program representative. See full job description


Annual Conference Program Chair-elect—2021–2022 and Program Chair for 2023 Conference—Orlando, Florida

The NCFR Conference Program Chair-Elect is appointed by the NCFR Board of Directors. The Elections Council is interested in your suggestions for potential program chair appointees. Please feel free to suggest names along with your other nominations.


Again, become involved in leadership positions of our organization. Consider what your involvement will be.

Submit nominations through the online form

Deadline for nominations is Jan. 31, 2020.