Winter 2013 Feminism & Family Studies update

by Libby Balter Blume, CFLE, 2013 Section Chair-elect
Content Area
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Feminism and Family Studies Section meeting at NCFR in San Antonio was a wonderful tribute to our remarkable FFS members! We celebrated our Legacy Circle members, our past and current Jessie Bernard Awardees for Feminist Scholarship, our founding mother Alexis Walker, and our dedicated outgoing officers for their outstanding leadership: Section Chair Elizabeth Sharp, Secretary/Treasurer Janel Leone, SNP Representatives Kimberly Crossman and Kristen Benson, and Past Chair Lisa Moyer.

As many of you know, my new role as Editor-elect of the Journal of Family Theory & Review has led me to resign as chair of Feminism and Family Studies. At this bittersweet moment, I especially wish to thank so many of you who enthusiastically supported my appointment as the next JFTR editor! I have greatly enjoyed my two years as Chair-Elect, coordinating the Jessie Bernard Awards and working closely with Elizabeth, Janel, Kimi, Kristen, and Lisa on the NCFR conference program and the FFS fundraisers -- especially the fabulous Jessie Bernard tote bags for sale this year.

At this time, I am pleased to announce that FFS Section Chair-elect Shannon Weaver has graciously agreed to move up to the chair position and was able to attend the 2014 Program Committee meetings in San Antonio. Shannon welcomes Crystal Duncan Lane as the incoming Secretary/Treasurer and Lorien Jordan and Kevin Zimmerman as SNP Representatives. As Past Chair, Elizabeth Sharp is coordinating with NCFR to hold a special election for a new FFS Chair-elect.

Finally, a heartfelt thank you to all of the FFS 2013 symposium and focus group chairs, session presenters, discussants, presiders, and participants for a memorable and stimulating conference in San Antonio—and a very special thank you to the entire NCFR Board of Directors and Executive Director Diane Cushman for their public statement on child and family well-being, same-sex parenting, and marriage equality.

I look forward to seeing everyone in Baltimore in 2014!