Zippy Weekly E-Newsletter

Zippy News is the free weekly email newsletter of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR), providing news about the latest research, job openings, grant and publishing opportunities, events, and more in Family Science. Its readership consists of NCFR members, Certified Family Life Educators, and others interested in Family Science.

Anyone is welcome to subscribe for free — sign up using this form.

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For Employers

We include the job listings from our online Jobs Center in Zippy News! Each purchased listing is included in Zippy News for one week.

Have you already purchased a job listing, but want to buy additional weeks of inclusion in Zippy News? You can do so in our online store.

Submit Items for Zippy

To submit an item for consideration or to ask a question about Zippy News, please email Kristal Johnson after reviewing our guidelines below.