Research and Policy Briefs

About NCFR Research and Policy Briefs

The National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) is in the position to provide policymakers with research on families — in the form of research and policy briefs — to help inform decisions that affect families at the federal, state, and local levels. The purpose of the briefs is to educate policymakers and others who have an investment in families.

Topics are timely and include a family perspective. Briefs are based on high-quality research; are educational, non-partisan, and objective; and are written by experts in the field. Briefs will go through a peer-review process, and authors work with our editor.

Latest Briefs


More Published Briefs

Parent Education and Family Life Education: A Critical Link in Early Childhood Education Policy

How Parental Incarceration Harms Children

Alleviating the Stress on Working Families: Promoting Family-Friendly Workplace Policies

Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children (2016)


Interested in Writing a Brief?

Please complete this webform to indicate your interest.

Rachel H. Farr, Ph.D., NCFR's research and policy briefs editor, will review all inquiries and contact you about the possibility of submitting a brief.

To learn more about the content and format of NCFR briefs, see our guidelines for policy briefs and for research briefs at the bottom of this page. We've also posted the reviewer guidelines and evaluation form.

If you have questions, please email Rachel H. Farr.


Author and Reviewer Guidelines