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Showing 25 - 26 of 26 Resource(s)
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Research Brief
Allison Gibbons, Ph.D., CFLE, Assistant Professor of Family and Child Studies, McNeese State University
I challenge the old assumptions that immigrants are a homogeneous group coming to the U.S. for economic reasons alone, fixed forever at the lower end of society.
Content Area
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Family Law and Public Policy
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Research Brief
by Leah Schmalzbauer, Ph.D., Montana State University
Whereas poor women used to migrate primarily to reunite with family, they are increasingly migrating in search of wages to support their children.
Content Area
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Family Law and Public Policy
Internal Dynamics of Families