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Showing 169 - 182 of 182 Resource(s)
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Research Brief
Allison Gibbons, Ph.D., CFLE, Assistant Professor of Family and Child Studies, McNeese State University
I challenge the old assumptions that immigrants are a homogeneous group coming to the U.S. for economic reasons alone, fixed forever at the lower end of society.
Content Area
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Family Law and Public Policy
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Research Brief
Content Area
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
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Research Brief
by William Marsiglio, Professor of Sociology, University of Florida
The word "fathering," for too many, still signals notions of paternity, breadwinning, or something nebulous about "being there."
Content Area
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Parent Education and Guidance
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Research Brief
Content Area
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
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Research Brief
A RAND research brief on the subject of children whose parents are deployed in the military.
Content Area
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan
Parent Education and Guidance
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Research Brief
Content Area
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Family Law and Public Policy
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Research Brief
By Scott M. Stanley, Research Professor and Co-director of the Center for Marital and Family Studies, and Galena K. Rhoades is a senior researcher at the Center for Marital and Family Studies, University of Denver.
The belief that cohabiting prior to marriage lowers one's odds of divorce has no evidence going for it, yet it is a strongly held belief.
Content Area
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Internal Dynamics of Families
Interpersonal Relationships
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Research Brief
by Daniel T. Lichter, Ph.D., and Julie H. Carmalt, Ph.D., Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University
Should we be concerned about the accelerated uncoupling of marriage and childbearing?
Content Area
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Family Law and Public Policy
Human Sexuality
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Research Brief
by Stephanie Coontz, Evergreen State College
To help individuals and society cope with [divorce], we need to move beyond sweeping generalizations about the "average" outcome of divorce.
Content Area
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Internal Dynamics of Families
Interpersonal Relationships
Parent Education and Guidance
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Research Brief
by Maria J. Kefalas, Ph.D., Saint Joseph's University, and Patrick Carr, Ph.D. Rutgers University
Without enough young people to purchase homes, hold jobs, pay taxes, and raise children, communities cannot survive.
Content Area
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Family Law and Public Policy
Family Resource Management
Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan
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Research Brief
by Isolina Ricci, Ph.D., LMFT
During the stressful period prior to the separation — and often for several years afterward — even the most dedicated parents are unsteady.
Content Area
Counseling and Therapy
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Interpersonal Relationships
Parent Education and Guidance
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Research Brief
by Leah Schmalzbauer, Ph.D., Montana State University
Whereas poor women used to migrate primarily to reunite with family, they are increasingly migrating in search of wages to support their children.
Content Area
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Family Law and Public Policy
Internal Dynamics of Families
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Research Brief
by Paul R. Amato, Ph.D., Arnold and Bette Hoffman Professor of Family Sociology and Demography, The Pennsylvania State University
Research has consistently demonstrated that children and adults who go through a divorce experience declines in subjective well-being and physical health.
Content Area
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Internal Dynamics of Families
Interpersonal Relationships
Parent Education and Guidance
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Research Brief
SRCD brings the science of child development to public policy through the production of the Social Policy Report Brief.
Content Area
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Family Law and Public Policy
Human Sexuality