How to Discuss Racial Discrimination in Society

Content Area
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts

This list of scholarly articles from NCFR is provided to help families, educators, researchers, and practitioners educate themselves and others on matters related to the systematic oppression and the persistence of both individual and institutional racism in our society. Before we can discuss or change the discourse on racial discrimination, we must first understand what we know from evidence-based research.

Thank you to Roudi Nazarinia Roy, Ph.D., CFLE, and members of the Ethnic Minorities Section for their recommendations.

NCFR Journal Articles

NCFR Publications

NCFR Conference Sessions

NCFR Webinars

Additional Scholarly Articles 




  • Adelman, L. (Executive Producer), & Smith, L. M., Strain, Herbes-Sommers, C. (Directors). (2003) RACE - The Power of an Illusion [Three-part Documentary]. USA: California Newsreel & Independent Television Service.

  • Biewen, J. (Procucer and Host). (2017, February 15 - Present). Seeing White. Scene on Radio [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from