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The National Council on Family Relations, founded in 1938, is the oldest nonprofit, nonpartisan, multidisciplinary professional association focused solely on family research, practice and education.


NCFR offers several ways to put your message in front of family professionals, college faculty, and Family Science students.


Members of NCFR's state, regional, and student affiliates — as well as entire affiliate groups — have the opportunity to apply for several awards through NCFR that are specifically for affiliates.


Prior to 2016, NCFR's Affiliate Councils Board offered these awards for best student papers. As of 2016, these awards are no longer offered.

2015 Outstanding Graduate Student Research Paper
James Kale Monk
, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"Veteran Couples Retreats: Interventions for Military Veterans and Their Relational Partners" (co-authors Brian Ogolsky and Victoria Bruner)

2015 Outstanding Undergraduate Student Research Paper
Hannah Newman,
Samford University
"The Relationship Between Parental Conflcit Tactics and Sibling Conflict Tactics

Affiliates: Grab your smartphone, tablet, or video camera and record footage that highlights your affiliate!

Congratulations to the recipients of NCFR's 2016 awards!

  • Issues in Aging Focus Group Award - Student or New Professional
  • Issues in Aging Focus Group Award - Professional
  • Best New Professional Research Article Award
  • Best Research Article Award
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Men in Families Research Article Award
  • Anselm Strauss Award for Qualitative Family Research
  • Audit Committee
  • Elections Council
  • Fellows Committee
  • Inclusion & Diversity Committee
  • Journal Board Committee

NCFR has three over-arching statements called Global Ends Policies that guide the work of NCFR staff and the Board of Directors.

The Affiliate Councils President-Elect shall serve on the National Council on Family Relations Board of Directors for a two-year term, and shall represent concerns of the members of the Affiliate Councils. This position shall assume the presidency of the Affiliate Councils for a two-year term following his or her term as President-Elect.

The dues-paying Members of NCFR are the moral and legal owners of NCFR in whose interests the Board of Directors acts. The purpose of the Board, on behalf of the members of NCFR, is to see to it that NCFR (a) achieves appropriate results for appropriate persons at an appropriate cost, and (b) avoids unacceptable actions and situations.


The Elections Council gathers nominations for the offices of the NCFR Board and other offices of NCFR. The members of the Elections Council shall be elected by the full membership of NCFR and serve a three-year term.


The purpose of the Inclusion and Diversity Board Committee (IDC) is to (a) identify the inclusion and diversity strengths, issues, and opportunities within NCFR; (b) develop strategies and plans to examine ways in which we include and exclude (however unintentionally) NCFR members; (c) systematically examine aspects of NCFR to enhance its effectiveness and ability to grow and meet the needs of its divers membership; and (d) respectfully celebrate and document the successes of inclusivity approaches.


The Students and New Professionals Board Representative-elect of the National Council on Family Relations serves a one-year term as a non-voting member on the Board of Directors. After serving their one-year term, this position will move to the position of Students and New Professionals Board Representative. Students and New Professionals Board Representative will serve a two-year term as a voting member of the Board of Directors.


The Students and New Professionals representative serves a two-year term as a voting member of the Board of Directors.


The National Council on Family Relations values the diversity of its membership, which is shaped by our historical, cultural, economic, and social contexts. This diversity strengthens our research, scholarship, and practice. 


NCFR's mission is to provide an educational forum for family researchers, educators, and practitioners to share in the development and dissemination of knowledge about families and family relationships, establish professional standards, and work to promote family well-being.


NCFR's family policy activities provide non-partisan research and educational information to policy makers or to those working with them. NCFR also works with other organizations and coalitions to formulate family-friendly policies.


The National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) has conferred its organization's prestigious Fellow status to four members for 2015.