Advertise in CFLE Network

The National Council on Family Relations sponsors a certification for Family Life Educators: the Certified Family Life Educator credential (CFLE). CFLE professionals include parent educators, health care professionals, extension agents, therapists and counselors, clergy, professors, social workers, marriage educators and more.

NCFR is the only source for access to these approximately 1,500 knowledgeable and qualified Family Life Educators.

CFLE Network

CFLE Network, the quarterly newsletter specifically for current Certified Family Life Educators, includes articles, book reviews, information on innovative programs, recognition of CFLE accomplishments, continuing education opportunities, updates on the CFLE program, and more.

Circulation Information

Circulation is nearly 1,500. CFLEs work in a variety of settings including social services, community education, parent education, colleges and universities, military family support, health and welfare, child and youth programs, senior citizen programs, faith communities and more.

Interested in advertising in CFLE Network, or need more details? Contact Trip Sullivan at tripsullivan (at)

Advertising purchases are nonrefundable.

Advertising Rates and Sizes






Full Page (full bleed) $265 $245 $230 $215
Half Page $200 $185 $170 $155
Quarter Page $150 $140 $130 $120

Ad Deadlines Per Issue

Issue Delivery


February Dec. 15
May March 15
August June 15
November Sept. 15

Specifications and Submission Requirements


Width x Height

Full Page (full bleed) 8.75" x 11.25"
Half Page 7.25" x 4.5"
Quarter Page 3.5" x 4.5"

File Type/Quality: high resolution of 300 dpi in one of the following formats: PDF (with fonts embedded) or JPG

Color: black and white 

Bleeds: Full bleed (1/4") on full-page ads only

Proofs cannot be provided. Advertisers will be billed at cost for any alterations needed.

Interested or Need More Details?

Contact Trip Sullivan at tripsullivan (at)