Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science
About Family Relations
Family Relations is a publication of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). Since 1951, the journal has published basic and applied articles that are original, innovative and interdisciplinary and that focus on diverse family forms and issues. Audiences include educators in academic and community settings, researchers with an applied or evaluation focus, family practitioners, and family policy specialists. Appropriate articles include empirically based applied research, educational philosophies or practices, critical syntheses of relevant substantive areas, program evaluations, curriculum development and assessment, issues in the discipline, professional development, and basic research with clearly articulated implications for practice and policy.
The journal has a circulation of approximately 5,000. Journal articles have a central focus on families within a wide range of topics of interest to both scholars and practitioners, including: aging within a family context; child & parent relationships; cross-cultural/international issues that impact families; families across the life cycle; family diversity; family health; family interventions; family life education; family policy; family therapy; gender & family relationships; marital enrichment; marital strengths; minority families; religion & the family; sex education and sexual & emotional abuse as they relate to families; stress & familial relationships; women's issues and their influence on families; and much more.
More than 80 percent of our readers identify Family Relations as meeting their needs better than any other applied journal.
Family Relations is published five times a year (February, April, July, October, and December) and averages 120 pages. Articles are peer-reviewed. The acceptance rate is 20.4 percent.
Family Relations is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Our Readers Say...
- "A journal that keeps improving with more on children, parenting, marriage and contemporary social problems than any journal I know of... I read more articles in each issue than in any other journal I get."
- "It is the only journal I know of that deals with both families and family programs as central themes."
- "Family Relations gives me a powerful resource to work with families in distress and gives me the help I need to solve problems."
- "It consistently gives a strong sense of emerging issues in the field, provides valuable reviews, and represents solid scholarship."
- "Family Relations is the first place I go to find a research base for family life education, especially parent education."
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Copyright © 2023 by the National Council on Family Relations. All rights reserved.
Written permission to reprint articles or to reproduce materials from this journal for publication, or to use in the classroom, or for research and other scholarly purposes must be requested from Wiley. NCFR reserves the right to deny any permission at its sole discretion. Additional information can be found on the NCFR permissions webpage.