Renew Your Program's CFLE Approval

To maintain NCFR approval for meeting the Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) criteria, approved academic programs are re-evaluated every five years via a renewal application process. Programs seeking renewal must provide updated syllabi for each approved course. A separate and complete set of all materials is required for each approved degree program, i.e. separate applications for an undergraduate and graduate program. The APR Renewal fee (due every five years) is currently $609.

Please refer to the Academic Program Renewal Directions for information on the renewal process.

Submit the Academic Program Renewal Form to begin the renewal process to NCFR or email to [email protected]

Please consult the APR Directions and Guidelines document for information on late fees attributable to delays in submitting application materials or responding to requests for additional information. 

APR Annual Fee

In addition to submitting a renewal application every five years, CFLE-approved programs must also pay an Annual fee (currently $100). This fee helps to cover the costs of checklist updates, substitution course reviews, and general maintenance of the Academic Program Review process.

NCFR will send an invoice for the APR Annual fee to all CFLE-approved schools at the beginning of each year. Schools in their renewal year do not pay the Annual fee.