Additional Resources for Chapter 18

Book: New Methods for Puberty Education

Cooperman, C., & Rhodes, C. (1992). New methods for puberty education. Morristown: Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey.

Book: The New Teaching Safer Sex

Brick, P. (2003). The new teaching safer sex (3rd ed.). Morristown: Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey.

Book: Positive Encounters: Talking One-to-One with Teens About Contraceptive and Safer Sex Decisions

Vogelaar, A. (1999). Talking one-to-one with teens about contraceptive and safer sex decisions. Morristown: Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey.

Book: Streetwise to Sex-Wise

Brown, S., & Taverner, B. (2001). Streetwise to sex-wise: Sexuality education for high-risk youth (2nd ed.). Morristown: Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey.

Curriculum: Be Proud! Be Responsible!

Jemmott, L., Jemmott, J., III, & McCaffree, K. (1999). Be proud! Be responsible! Strategies to empower youth to reduce their risks for AIDS (5th ed.). New York, NY: Select Media.

Curriculum: Making a Difference!

Jemmott, L., Jemmott, J. III, & McCaffree, K. (2001a). Making a difference. New York, NY: Select Media.

Curriculum: Making Proud Choices!

Jemmott, L., Jemmott, J. III, & McCaffree, K. (2001b). Making proud choices! New York, NY: Select Media.

Lessons: Changes, Changes, Changes: Great Methods for Puberty Education

Mitelman, S., Milstein, S., & Saxe, A. (2014). Changes, changes, changes: Great methods for puberty education. Morristown, NJ: Center for Family Life Education.

Lessons: Game On! The Ultimate Sexuality Education Gaming Guide

Shields, J., & Keyes-DiGioia, M. (2012). Game on! The ultimate sexuality education gaming guide. Morristown, NJ: Center for Family Life Education.

Lessons: Older, Wiser, Sexually Smarter

Brick, P., Lunquist, J., Sandak, A., & Taverner, B. (2009). Older, wiser, sexually smarter. Morristown: Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey.

Lessons: Positive Images: Teaching Abstinence, Contraception and Sexual Health

Brick, P., & Taverner, B. (2001). Positive images: Teaching abstinence, contraception, and sexual health. Morristown: Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey.

Lessons: Positive Images: Teaching About Contraception

Brick, P., Cooperman, C., (with Cruz, L., & DiGioia, M.) (2013). Positive images: Teaching about contraception and sexual health (S. Milstein & B. Taverner, Eds.). Morristown, NJ: Center for Family Life Education.

Lessons: Unequal Partners: Teaching About Power and Consent in Adult-Teen and Other Relationships

Montfort, S., & Brick, P. (2000). Unequal partners: Teaching about power and consent in adult–teen relationships (3rd ed.). Morristown: Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey.

The Librarian's Guide to Sex Education Resources

Ratner, J., & Huberman, B. (2006). The librarian's guide to sex education resources. Washington, DC: Advocates for Youth

Sex Ed 101: A Collection of Sex Education Lessons

Taverner, B., (2006). Sex Ed 101: A collection of sex education lessons. Morristown: Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey.

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