"A Very Long Hike": Relationship Processes Across the Life Course

Concurrent Sessions 1

Tekisha Rice, Brian Ogolsky, Kale Monk, Catherine Surra, Jeremy Kanter, Christine Proulx, Amy Rauer, Leah Burke, Allen Sabey; Discussant: Casey Totenhagen; Co-chairs and Organizers: Amy Rauer

8:30 AM
9:45 AM
Salon 11
Session #
Session Type
Session Focus
  • Research
Organized By
  • Research & Theory

About the Session

  • 113-01 - Compatibility and Interdependence Processes of Relationship Maintenance
    By Tekisha Rice, Brian Ogolsky, Kale Monk, Catherine Surra
  • 113-02 - Trajectories of Positive and Negative Marital Quality After Childbirth in Fragile Families
    By Jeremy Kanter, Christine Proulx
  • 113-03 - The Benefits of Enduring Positivity: Long-term Marriages and Health
    By Christine Proulx, Amy Rauer
  • 113-04 - A Developmental Perspective on Marital Closeness and Health in Older Adulthood
    By Leah Burke, Amy Rauer, Allen Sabey

Discussant: Casey Totenhagen 
Co-chairs and Organizers: Amy Rauer, Christine Proulx


Dovetailing with this year's theme, this symposium, comprised of scholars from family studies, psychology, and marriage and family therapy, highlights that across different methodologies and populations, being able to enhance or maintain the quality of couples' relationships is critical for advancing the lives of those individuals and their families. Couples and families help to provide the foundation from which we advance a healthy society, and we must acknowledge the diversity that occurs across the life course to best provide the resources that couples need to adapt to the challenges they will face on the long hike we call marriage.


1. To analyze between-couple differences in relationship quality. 2. To explore how couples vary in their relationships across the lifespan. 3. To understand how to help couples adapt to the challenges they face across the life course.


Bundle name
Conference Session