309: College Students
Concurrent Sessions 7 - (NBCC CE Credit: #1 hr and Conference Attendance Credit: #1 hr)
309-01: The Intersection of Stigmatization, Ethnic-Racial Socialization, and Skin Tone Among African American and Latino College Students: Implications for Academic Development
Steven Berkley, Antoinette Landor, Katharine Zeiders
African American and Latino college students that attend PWIs are at an increased risk for race-based stigmatization which can negatively impact academic outcomes. Utilizing an intersectional framework, this study examined whether parental ethnic-racial socialization (ERS) moderated the relation between student perceptions of stigmatization and their academic and intellectual development (AID). This study also examined whether the moderation would vary according to skin tone (three-way interaction). The sample consisted of 145 African American and Latino students at a PWI. Findings showed that the relation between stigmatization and AID was moderated by low levels of ERS, and this moderation varied according to skin tone. Significant findings and implications for further studies on ERS among college students are discussed.
-- To explore race-related factors that impact the academic/intellectual development of racially minoritized students that attend a PWI.
-- To assess the moderating effect of parental ethnic-racial socialization on the relation between stigmatization and the academic/intellectual development of African American and Latino students at a PWI.
-- To assess the combined effects of stigmatization, parental ethnic-racial socialization, and skin tone on the academic/intellectual development of African American and Latino college students at a PWI.
Subject Codes: family processes, education, discrimination
Population Codes: African Americans, undergraduate students, emerging/young adulthood
Method and Approach Codes: intersectionality, regression: linear (simple, multiple, hierarchical), lifespan development
309-02: Educated and Parenting: The Experiences of African American and Latino Fathers on College Campuses
Roudi Nazarinia Roy, Tiffany Brown, Donovan Roy, Afriyah Mayasa-Hailey, India Rockett
Although the research on fatherhood is extensive little attention has been given to men who are fathering young children while attending college. Given the retention issues among African American and Latino men on college campuses, these men who are fathers face additional challenges to staying in college. We examined these challenges and factors that impacted retention among seventeen African American and Latino fathers attending a Historically Black College and a Hispanic Serving Institution. Our interview and focus group data revealed five key themes: support systems, uncertainty in parenting practices, co-parenting relationships, role responsibility as a father, fatherhood role as motivation. All the fathers in our study share that their children and their role as fathers were their greatest motivation to finish their education. Our findings have implications for both college administrators and community-based programs seeking to serve fathers and their families.
-- Explain factors related to the retention of Black and Latino college fathers.
-- Discuss key challenges and strengths among Black and Latino student fathers.
-- Identify best practices when supporting Black and Latino student-fathers.
Subject Codes: fatherhood, parenting, education
Population Codes: emerging/young adulthood, African Americans, Hispanic/Latina/o/x
Method and Approach Codes: qualitative methodology, phenomenology, Family Science
309-03: "We Resist!": Utilizing Photovoice as Art and Activism Among First-Generation Students of Color Impacted by Gentrification
Sherria Taylor, Arielle Pansoy, Chuk Osajindu, Chliezy Torres
Gentrification trends have increased nationally, and in the Bay Area, California 66% and 55% of low-income, Black and Latinx households respectively are either experiencing or facing risk of gentrification. For youth, education is often disrupted as they are forced to relocate to more affordable cities and reestablish social networks.As social justice educators, pedagogical approaches must seek to identify, resist, and transform the various forms of oppression in education and society. This study fills that gap in the research by considering how first-generation college students of color see the challenges of their communities, as well as how they see these same communities resisting and embodying resilience. In addition, this study provides an example of social justice pedagogy that can be implemented in the college classroom.
-- Identify challenges and oppression in gentrified communities from underrepresented college students' perspective
-- Identify ways in which gentrified communities resist from underrepresented college students' perspective
-- Identify ways in which gentrified communities embody resilience from underrepresented college students' perspective
Subject Codes: resilience, communities, education
Population Codes: undergraduate students, People of Color, emerging/young adulthood
Method and Approach Codes: grounded theory, activism, community participation/action research
309-04: Exploring Family Achievement Guilt in Post Graduate First Generation College Students
Duane Williams, Pearl Stewart
Using a tenets of phenomenology and ambiguous loss theory, this studyexamined how the phenomenon of family achievement guilt is experienced in the lives of post graduate, first generation college students. This exploratory study included four African American, first-generation college students who have completed a Master's degree or higher. Participants' age ranged from 33 to 44 years of age. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants, followed by transcription, coding, and analysis. Participants indicate that "straddling both worlds resulted in varied feelings. Two themes emerged based on analysis: 1) a lack of support before and during college, and 2) beyond college: new identity and a disconnection from family.
-- To demonstrate an understanding of how post graduate, first generation college students begin to formulate their new identity
-- To understand how various forms of support, if any, shaped their experiences
-- To understand what strategies are used to reconcile the old identity and the new identity
Subject Codes: identity, education, family relations
Population Codes: African Americans, cross-cultural
Method and Approach Codes: qualitative methodology, phenomenology
Facilitator: Denzel Jones